SELVA SAUVAGE, meaning ‘wild jungle’, offers handmade jewellery and swimwear from recycled ocean waste for children and adults. Timeless pieces are created with colour palettes designed for easy mix-and-matching.
Fun jewellery designs are coupled with 18k gold plated sterling silver.
Passionate about beauty in every form and inspired by travels around the globe, selva sauvage combines elements from nature with a bohemian design aesthetic in natural tones.
Slow fashion
SELVA SAUVAGE stays away from rapidly changing fashion trends. Instead, we make a conscious choice for slow fashion, worn throughout the seasons. Timeless, effortless and in line with nature’s pace.
Making earth wilder and greener
With a profound respect for the earth’s natural resources, we carefully select our suppliers.
We support WeForest. For every piece of swimwear or clothing that is purchased, a tree is planted . Together with WeForest, SELVA SAUVAGE is quite literally creating its own ‘wild jungle’.
For more information, you can visit their website: (
Making the earth wilder and greener, in a conscious and ethical way, one beautiful piece at a time.
We hope you enjoy!